Shaila Munoz

Shaila Munoz

Relocations Specialist

Key Information

Experience: 1 year

BRN#: 58959

Nationality: Spain

Languages: English, Spanish, Italian

Background and Experience

Shaila’s from Spain. She completed her university bilingual degree in tourism her professional experience expands across two continents and has been fortunate to build her skill set with some of the best-known brands in the world: Qatar Airways and American Express. She joined Qatar Airways as a Cabin Crew member where she was able to develop exceptional communication skills, which were essential when dealing with a multitude of customers from diverse cultural backgrounds. Thereafter joined the American Express Group in Spain, in the capacity of Customer Service Advisor, where she was able to empathize with her customers understand their needs, and subsequently provide them with an excellent customer experience.  This was a brand-new section within AMEX Spain.

Throughout her professional career, she has been able to perform well within a multicultural environment. Pride herself in being a team player, and not only being motivated but also being able to motivate the team.

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